The Odd Ones
The Odd Ones is a show that explores individuality, social dynamics and finding belonging through the perspective of oddness and everything it can mean. The ugly and unappealing sides along with the amazingly and awe-inspiringly unique.
Three vastly different people (one acrobat, one contemporary dancer, one breakdancer) with different ways of communicating, expressing and being must slowly navigate a social and physical dance to understand, learn from, communicate and collaborate with, and perhaps even grow to enjoy the company of people that are not like themselves. The show moves in between beauty and ugliness, humor and vulnerability, with a large dose of oddness spread throughout.
The ultimate purpose of the show is to combat the growing polarisation in society, showing how you can both stay true to yourself and your roots while also understanding, adapting to and learning to get along with others that are not like yourself.
The show is a thematic continuation of my solo show Odd One Out that has performed in The Netherlands, Belgium, Finland and Sweden through 2022-2024 and received a 4,47/5 audience rating at the Delft Fringe Festival. More about Odd One Out can be read and seen here:
“Drie totaal verschillende dansers worden met choreografie en humor aan elkaar verbonden. Dat verbeeldt hoe de groeiende polarisatie in de samenleving kan worden verzacht en doorbroken.”
“Three completely different dancers develop a connection with each other through choreography and humor. It shows how the growing polarisation in our society can become softened and broken down” (english translation)
“Hierbij is het mooi dat de drie niet streven naar een vloeiende, virtuoze mengvorm, maar dat deze gedeelde dans soms met horten en stoten tot stand komt. Circusdans, breaking, hedendaagse dans: de vormen zijn net anders, ritme en flow voelen anders, maar kracht, evenwicht en lenigheid hebben alle dansers nodig. Er valt iemand uit de sequentie, om later toch weer aan te sluiten; iemand is moe en heeft wat extra ondersteuning nodig; iemand zet zich zo enthousiast in dat de formatie breekt. En toch is het hún mix, de taal die nodig is om met deze mensen op dit moment te communiceren. De taal die ze zelf hebben gevonden.”
"It is nice that the three do not strive for a flowing, virtuoso mixture, but that this shared dance sometimes comes about in fits and starts. Circus dance, breaking, contemporary dance: the forms are slightly different, the rhythm and flow feels different, but strength, balance and flexibility are what all dancers need. Someone drops out of the sequence, only to rejoin later; someone is tired and needs some extra support; someone is so enthusiastic that the formation breaks. And yet it is their mix, the language that's needed to communicate with these people at this moment. The language they found themselves." (english translation)
Premiere teaser
Past performances
4 Jan 2025 - Theater Bellevue, Amsterdam
12 Oct 2024 - Vitrine PERPLX, Kortrijk (BE premiere)
17-18 Aug 2024 - Circusbende, Amsterdam
1 Aug 2024 - Skärgårdscentrum Korpoström, Pargas (FI premiere)
9 June 2024 - Volkstheater, Heemraadsplein, Rotterdam (25 min extract)
3rd May 2024 - Theater Rotterdam, Circusstad Festival (world premiere)
12th April 2024 - MAD Festival (pre-premiere)
10 Dec 2023 - Dorpsplein, Volkstheater (work in progress)
17 Nov 2023 - Circunstruction, Maaspodium (work in progress)
8 Oct 2023- Feestival, Volkstheater (work in progress)
Upcoming performances
16 April 2025 - ZIMIHC Stefanus, MoveZ, Utrecht (NL)
27 April 2025 - Hallarna, Norrköping (SWE)
2 Oct 2025 - Jackson’s Lane, London (UK premiere)
Swedish distribution:
Scenit Produktion - Ulrika Skog Holmgaard & Kattis Tjernström
Contact for full performance registration
Meet the cast
Concept, production & directed by: Simon Granit Ossoinak
Co-created & performed with: Stasy Terehhova & Cristian Boscheri
Music: Stijn van Strien
Outside eyes: Merel Heering, Aurelia Brailowsky, Piet van Dycke
Pictures: Take a piq photography - Benedikt Löffler
Business advise: Circusstad, Dansateliers, Adeline Willems (through Janivo Stichting)
Video trailer filming: Jor Timmermans
Video trailer edit: Simon Granit Ossoinak
Co-production & support: Circusstad Festival (through Circunstruction), PERPLX vzw
Subsidy: Gemeente Rotterdam (Rotterdam Municipality)
Support: MAD Festival, Dansateliers, Delft Fringe Festival, Janivo Stichting, Circusnext
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet
Theater Rotterdam - Fred Ernst
Perplx Vitrine - Heroen Bollaert
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet
Circusbende Festival - Jona Harnischmacher
Perplx Vitrine - Heroen Bollaert
Fred Ernst - Theater Rotterdam
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet
Circusbende Festival - Jona Harnischmacher
Circusbende Festival - Jona Harnischmacher
Perplx Vitrine - Heroen Bollaert
Theater Rotterdam - Fred Ernst
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
Perplx Vitrine - Heroen Bollaert
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
Maaspodium, Circunstruction - Benedikt Löffler
Theater Rotterdam - Fred Ernst
Perplx Vitrine - Heroen Bollaert
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet
MAD Festival - Jostijn Ligtvoet